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  • glastonburyferments

Kimchi Pancake

Kimchi with its addictive flavours of chilli, garlic and ginger is as you will know Korea's national dish eaten with just about every meal.

I admit to a similar love for this tasty kraut version and find and never ending list of ways to eat it.

For breakfast you can of course add it to any of your favorite breakfast foods though I get cereal would be the exception.

Use leftover vegetables chopped up and mixed with Kimchi Kraut and some oats or flour, with or without an egg, a little salt, some water, maybe some chopped spring onion if they are to hand then added to an oiled medium hot pan for a couple of minutes before being put under the grill to cook from the top. When done slide out of the pan onto a board or plate and slice and serve like a quiche.

Quite simply delicious. Make up your own recipe from what's on hand in the fridge.

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